No one would have believed that the entire world would be locked down thanks to a coronavirus outbreak, but here we are, at the end of 2021 and we are still social distancing. Aside from the obvious impact on the economy, the Covid pandemic has seriously impacted our social lives in many ways.
Beer Drinkers
There are many people who love drinking beer and with all the pubs and clubs closed down indefinitely, this is a time to order Kiwi craft beer online from your local microbrewery. The number of people that adopted beer drinking at home has risen sharply, after all, just because the pubs and clubs are closed, doesn’t mean you have to quit drinking your favourite beer. The microbrewery would have an extensive selection of pale ales, lagers, pilsners and dark beers to suit every taste and ordering couldn’t be any easier.
Zoom Video Calls
VoIP platforms like Zoom and Facebook livestreaming have kept families in touch since the start of the pandemic, as distance is no object with Internet-based telephony. Young people make a point of having a video call with their parents at least once a week and best friends are usually online in the evenings; it might not be the same as face-to-face encounters, but at least you are having social interaction with people who are important to you.
Online Entertainment
Many people have switched their social activity to the web and this has spawned a wide range of digital networks, where like-minded people can connect. Virtual entertainment is a growing digital sector that many young people are using instead of regular socialising; webinars and chat rooms offer the chance to hang out with like-minded people.
Sporting Events
Many sporting events were cancelled due to Covid 19, affecting sports across the board and those that were allowed to go ahead were spectator free and you watched via the Internet. Boxing, MMA, Premier League football and Rugby Union have all been impacted by the pandemic, with many cancelled events; sporting bodies have suffered greatly by losing attendance income.
We are all hoping that 2022 is the year that ends the pandemic and businesses can open again and people can get back to some form of normality. In the meantime, you can order premium craft beer from your local microbrewery and enjoy great tasting beer while watching TV and playing video games.